When I first started to cook food, I followed many food pages on Instagram to gain some inspiration, learn, and to figure out what to make for dinner. I found a page called eatorpassfoodie. Some of the videos and images actually looked pretty good, or at least so I thought. I found a particular pasta meal with chicken. Does not seem to bad, right? At the time of making that recipe, I was a complete amateur, I guess I still am. Join me on my pasta recipe failure!

Gathering Ingredients: The First Step of Misadventure

I wrote down all the ingredients needed, went shopping for the things I needed, and got all the ingredients ready to go for the next day. I can not find that page, Unfortunately, as I can not tell you which meal to avoid making. Here is sort of a list of the things needed to make this pasta, I’m going off memory and this was made about a year ago so I may forget some things and do not have the measurements. However, the way the pasta is made, it is unforgettable as you will never do it again.

  • Pasta
  • Chicken – sliced
  • Milk
  • Oregano
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Spinach leaves 
  • Green pepper
  • Red pepper 
  • Cooking oil

Questionable Ingredient Choices

By looking at the ingredient list, you might notice something that does not belong. The milk. I would think a heavy cream. When I made this, I did not buy sliced chicken. Instead, I had chicken breast that I ended up cutting up. Sliced up the green and red peppers, and cut the tomatoes in half. The entire process took a good hour. Slicing the chicken breast took the longest. 

The Cooking Process: Where It All Went Wrong

The process started off by getting a deep pot then coating the bottom with some oil. Once the oil was hot, then you would toss in the peppers, tomatoes, chicken, and the spinach. After a few minutes, you would season the mixture with the salt, pepper, and oregano. After a few more minutes, it had you pour in the milk. Cook a little more, then throw the pasta in. This is where my amateur skill set comes in, the video did not explicitly show or tell you about the cooking of the pasta until you mix it in with everything. I mixed and cooked the pasta altogether, not a smart move. It took a long time for the noodles to cook. During that time, it ended up burning really bad on the bottom regardless how much I mixed it. 

The Unforgettable First Bite

After cooking it and getting it to the table, it was time to take the first bite. Not good whatsoever. It just had a somewhat milky mostly bland taste to it. It was like the milk washed the seasoning off everything. Nothing like milky chicken. If you come across a recipe like this, I do not recommend. It is possible to use one pot for everything, but this is a recipe that should not be used with one pot. If I do come across that video, I will post it.